A Breath of Fresh LIght: Avante Studio Singapore

Hello from Singapore! I always keep an eye out for a good workout studio even when I'm abroad. Fitness is a way of life for me. That means, I never leave my workout behind when I travel. Aside from the obvious health benefits that you get from exercise, trying out new things keeps your fitness journey exciting. Which is really the key to achieve a sustainable fitness program. 

After a shoot with Ryan at Singapore's Central Business District (Photos to be posted soon! Wee so excited!) I did a bit of research and booked a class at Avante Yoga, one of the many studio's located in the area. I opted for one of their Hatha classes, since I've never taken a Hatha Yoga class before, curious to experience the difference. 

My class was at 3pm but I went in a bit early to check out the studio. It's really beautiful and spacious, with big glass windows that allow natural light to fill the room. The white drapes run from ceiling to floor, creating a dreamy effect. I also love their grey on white color palette. It really makes you want to lie on a mat and shavasana the outside world away. 

The class started with a lot of breathing exercises, rotations and gentle stretches, beginning with the head, working our way down on the mat. Blocks and towels were available for students to use, if they needed a little bit more support. The teacher was also very accommodating. She led us into our practice, and at the same time spotted and corrected students' form and posture. I loved the flow of the class. Particularly how one pose leads up to another. It's like spelling out movement for your body. That way, when the big poses at the end of the class come up, you know exactly what to do. 

On a more personal application, it's good to discover what method of learning works best for your body. In my case for example, mimicing doesn't work for me. I usually have to take things apart in order to understand what I should do. There is no single way to achieve. Discover what works best for you and stick with it. 

Their walk in rate is 50sgd. You can opt for this if you just want to try it out first and see if it's for you. They also have class packages available. For more details, visit their website http://www.avante.com.sg/. You may also follow them on Instagram at @avanteaesthetique

This has been such a busy trip, and I'm only halfway through! Nonetheless, I am still very excited to meet more people and create more things with the Singaporean community. 

Nothing but love!