#MightyFitChallenge 2018

Every beginning of the year, I always like to set a general direction for my life. It's a way of re aligning the things that I am currently doing, making sure that what I use my energy on are the things that really matter. To keep what still resonates with me, and to discard all that is just noise. This year I've set a goal of making real human relationships. To live beyond the screen.

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150 Rep Workout You Can Do Anywhere

I've put together, to share with all of you what I do when I don't have access to my usual workout equipment (ie. pole, silks or bars) Like I've said before, you take your workout with you anywhere you go. You don't need equipment to stay true to your fitness goals. You just have to make sure that you always carve time out of your schedule to get that workout done. 

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Real Talk : Answering My Biggest Shoot Question

I always work with photographers as part of my job in the Fitness Industry. Just a little disclaimer as you keep reading this post: Don't get me wrong. I've been really grateful for the opportunity to work with such talented individuals from all over Asia, and I am always happy to inspire and be inspired by such wonderful creators. The point I'm driving at however is the question that some photographers ask me : 

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